one day where we will live

one day where we will live

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Maybe not so firm now...?

I am still struggling with my so-called "firm decision". After calling the school and advising them that we would be returning, it wasn't long before I received an anonymous email.

It said:
"don't come back to our school. we don't want you here."

How nice. It shows how quickly news spreads in my community. I alerted the school board and they advised I go to the police. Considering one of the "hater" parents has a cop for a husband, I think I will pass. I'm just not that interested in a battle. If we decide to go, I will just ignore those types of sentiments.

IF we decide to go, that is.

After posting my blog about our new "firm" decision, I soon also discovered that an anonymous commenter was actually one of the parents. And probably has been all along with all of the negative, hateful comments left here for me.

What kind of people are these that they would feel the need to search out my blog and be "watching" me? How shallow their lives must be and how interesting mine must be to them? If there wasn't so much hate involved, I would be flattered.
I should be used to controversy by now. After all, it is what I do best! Well, next to writing at least...or so I hope!

So now I struggle with a difficult decision, yet again.

Clearly, we would be anything but welcomed at the school, based on the email and the comments...I love having friends in technical places out there that can help trace "anonymous" commenters to their source. I had a hunch but once it was confirmed, it definitely brought many things to light.

I also have a babysitter who helps me occasionally, and she attends the school. Her mother knows many of these "haters" from the school, and has heard all about me and the gossip is still rampant.

At least now I have adjusted my blog a bit and all comments must have an official sign-in name...if this continues though, I will simply move my blog elsewhere.
I welcome comments, even negative ones. I welcome opinions. But I do not welcome cruelty hurled at me for sport. I won't tolerate that at all.

So as I try and come to a resolution about what to do now...stick to my firm decision or come up with something else...I think the time has come to share the whole story, to set the record straight about what exactly happened here.

I get many private messages asking me to share my story and I appreciate the love and concern from those of you who like my blog and want to keep reading.

For those who don't....please go and get a life and stay the hell out of mine.

Watch this space...because a really good bedtime story shall be posted shortly.

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