one day where we will live

one day where we will live

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Firm Decision

This is ridiculous. I woke up this morning and thought FUCK those people who made our life hell at the local school. FUCK THEM. We have a RIGHT to go there as our local school and my son has a RIGHT to enjoy a happy school-life, free from strife and bullshit.

Who cares if it is a hornet’s nest of bad feeling towards me? That is THEIR problem, not mine!!! I don’t need to talk to anyone there if they have such bad feelings towards me. I don’t need to be involved with any of these parents or their bullshit outlooks and attitudes. My son is probably far ahead of any of the children there artistically and he needs to be somewhere every day that will stimulate his growth.

I want to take him to an alternative art-type school more than anything in the world. But it would be a far bus ride every day. If it was just the two of us, it would be fine. But with the other children in tow, it definitely makes it more difficult.

I have my elderly mum coming down on me constantly about this. She practically DEMANDS I take him back to the local school and berates me for thinking I could take the children on the bus daily to the artistic school. She says it would be too much for me, for them and for her. And she has been freaking out about it in her elderly tantrum-prone way.

At first I thought I would just ignore her protests. I want what is best for him and I really did not think returning him to the local school was a good idea. And I still don’t. But I do have to consider my mum because in a way, she is like a fourth child, especially at this stage in her life, and if she gets upset too much, it could be disastrous.

Giving in to my mum’s demands and tantrums may not be right, but before anyone passes judgement on my decision, how many of you out there are in MY position? How many of you are as devoted to your own 87 year old deteriorating parent as I am? I would love to hear from someone like me out there, a single parent with three small children and a fourth, disguised as an old person who used to resemble my mum.

So this decision is not made because I think the local public school is the best option. This decision is made to keep my mum happy and to work within the boundaries of our current restricted life.

I will do everything in my power to keep my son happy in the school and I will march in there proud and strong. I won’t even acknowledge any of the previous “haters” who tried to harm us, they are mere strangers to me now. And I made sure to ask the school administration that my son be placed with the teacher HE loves and away from the children of the parents who caused us the most pain.

I believe my son is more adaptable than I am and the strife we faced there was more upsetting to me, than to him.

So fuck it. We are going back. Immediately. Not waiting until after Christimas, no way. We are going now. And everyone better get out of the way.

Metal Queen is coming to kick some proverbial ass.

INVICTUS - a favourite poem of my mum’s by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Metal Queen said...

In defense of my previous post called "Crossroads", I had made a comment to a hater where I said, "returning to the toxic school would be hypocritical to who I am and who I want my child to grow to be."

I want to address that here in commentary to my new decision.

I still think it is a toxic school and if my mum was not the deciding factor, it would be highly hypocritical of me to return him to that environment. However, because I have to consider my mum in this decision and I can't risk her agitation or upset, I do not feel my decision is hypocritical in the least. It is simply a means to an end. If my mum was not here, I would likely move closer to the alternative school and go ahead with that plan.

I will NOT be conforming to the small minds that exist at the local school and will do my best to avoid confrontation and strife from the twisted, cruel parents that I will likely encounter.

I also already warned the principal that I do not wish to be told my child needs assessments, etc, when I know better.

So hopefully, with a little luck and some serious avoidance, my son will have a decent time there.
And I hope he proudly sings piles of metal tunes loudly on the playground to all the kids of the haters and the bible thumpers! haha! :)

Anonymous said...

Finally, This was the choice you should have made back in september. This is the choice for your son, it's sad that your abusive mother had to make the decision for you.
Good Gawd, when you go back and the so called 'haters' are nice to you; be it known that it's not because you were right, it's because they are nice/good/kind people. So what if they are'christians' ? why does that piss you off? God loves you too. Personaly i'd wipe my ass with the bible but I'd do the same with your stupid blog if it too was provided in paper form free of charge. I digress-
This is good because it's something that is for the child, and you are finally being a true parent by getting him back to where he WANTS/NEEDS to be. Hopefuly your toxic rants having already crippled his being able to comfortably settle back in.
Reading between these lines it sounds like you're just waiting for mummy dearest to kick the bucket. on the other hand this is somthing you don't want because it leaves you wondring 'who will pay my rent now?'

Metal Queen said...

Waiting for my mum to kick the bucket? What is wrong with you? You are someone filled with so much hate too, I wish you wouldn't spread your poison onto my blog but hey, if you get off on that, so be it. Free speech.

Just remember...what you project to the universe will come back to you. Methinks you are probably waiting for someone in your life to die and it makes you feel better to lash out at me, a random blogger who you can attack behind the anonymity of a computer. Sad.

The haters won't be nice to me. Why on earth would you even think they are nice people?? Good GAWD YOU are some anonymous poster from cyberland and YOU have no clue what these twisted fucks are like.

I have no doubt they will try and get to me again, and if they don't, they will likely be thinking it or gossiping behind my back. The difference now though is that I won't even acknowledge their existence.

Trust me...I suffered enough at their hands and my child suffered bullying and taunting from their children, purpotrated by their parents to do so...but there will be a stop put to that because I have the school administration on my side and a plan is in place to observe how he is treated at the school, especially by the children of the haters. And they have all been named, listed with the schoolboard and boy, oh boy, are they ready to get the law involved with these parents if need be. I am no longer putting up with their bullshit.

They may even try and be even sweeter and over the top with me to deliberately try and upset me and get to me, but they will be in for a nasty little surprise if they do because karma is a bitch and karma hates people who claim to be religious but are nothing but wolves in sheeps clothing.

This decision was made for my mum's peace and happiness. My child would be happier and better off in a good school that is free from narrow minds, bullying and strife. So I will shield him as best I can from the hate that will undoubtedly be thrown at us both and hopefully he will have some fun times with the decent kids while he is there. The school has a plan in place and I also plan to be watching closely.

Christians do not piss me off. Christians who have no idea what being christian even means is what pisses me off.

And you can shove your comments straight up your judgemental, moronic ass.

You sound to me like some narrow minded little twat who has nothing better to do than insult others. Have fun with that.
See what that attitude brings into your life.

Metal Queen said...

And those who leave hate on a blog comment and hide behind the guise of being anonymous are nothing but cowards. Why not try owning it? Doesn't matter, I already know who this is now and your cruel and vicious rantings won't affect me here or at the school. You don't even exist to me. If you have anything further to say, at least have the balls to put your name on it, coward. And I would never have thought YOU were a coward. Tsk tsk. How the truth comes out. The REAL truth.

Anonymous said...

would you like to be the pot or the kettle; hypocrite. where is your name?

Metal Queen said...

Haha the people I INVITE to read my blog know exactly who I am, just as you do.
And I used to have my name attached to it until it was sought out by my name from the haters at the school so they could nose into my life even more.
Pathetic. Treehugger...more like gossip spreader and coward. hahaha. What a joke. Can't wait to ignore you and all the others at school.
You have just had your ass kicked.
Metal Queen style.
Now fuck off.

Unknown said...

You fail at life. You have been pwned. That is all.

Metal Queen said...

Aww methinks someone did not like getting their ass kicked metal queen style? What's the matter? (besides not being able to spell!!)Can't hide under the guise of anonymity any longer so now you have to make up silly names to keep playing your silly games? Hahaha!

The best part is how popular I obviously am! You want to talk about ME and come read what I have written! Yay! I am obviously in your mind soooo much that you take your precious time to come and read MY blog and make comments on MY blog, instead of doing something more productive with your lives! Can't wait until all the haters rush out to buy my books when they get published!

Too funny, and I shall take it as a compliment that you all just can't look away! :) And you can't exactly deny it because here you are!!

Trust me, I would never, ever bother reading anything that people wrote online or elsewhere that was written by someone I did not like or respect.

Once I make up my mind that someone is not a good person and I have no value or use for their words or who they are, how could I possibly respect them enough to follow their personal blog? BARF.

Glad you are using your time and energy on me though! Makes me feel sooo super special! :)
big hugs and kisses!! muahhhh! love and gratitude coming your way!

(now please remember what the ass kicking from metal queen feels like because if you come back, you will get some more! Bring it! hahaha!!)